Wood – Filling deep gaps at corners of maple flooring


I have fairly new natural maple 3/4" [about 4" wide] flooring installed. The installer was sloppy and where the flooring butted against doorways (no doors, just open frames), he should have side cut the vertical door moldings and placed the planks under, but he just straight cut and I have gaps. In the worst case I have an L shaped hole, 3/4" deep, 1/2" wide and about 3"x3".

As a result food from the adjacent kitchen, and water and anything can get in these spaces. I've though of filling with white silicon caulk to match the white moldings, or maybe beige to try and match the floor. But I'm thinking that 3/4" deep is too much for that.

I have matching planks, so I could cut possible cut a couple of 1/2" pieces for the big gaps, but that won't work for the narrow gaps. I'm skilled in woodworking.

Best Answer

Patching with the scrap flooring where you have a big enough gaps seems the best idea.

You also could use small shoe or stop molding around the base of the door jamb and casing (assuming the casing is not too complex). Paint it to match the trim. It will largely disappear.