Wood glue to reinforce screw holes in an oak frame


This is for load-bearing bronze screws in an oak frame, carrying a heavy oak door.

Four of the screws were removed momentarily for maintenance work. Two of the screw holes may have been stripped slightly when the screws were around 3/4 of their length out of the frame.

A dowel would not be an option at this stage, because that would mean undoing some of the maintenance work. I was thinking of several options:

  1. Just reuse the screw holes, even if some are partially stripped.
  2. Apply wood glue alone to reinforce the inner surface of the screw holes.
  3. The toothpick method. Put in a toothpick with wood glue into the screw holes, leave to dry partially, then reinsert wood screws.

I was unsure what this last method would do to the 3/4 of the threads that are still viable. Does it risk damaging the unstripped threads, or would it tighten and secure the threads in situ?

Which option would be best?

Best Answer

I have used tooth picks and matches with glue for many years. With hard wood I use toothpicks as they are hard, match sticks with the head cut off work will work but I use those on soft wood like pine. I squirt the wood glue in push in however many I think I need then wipe the excess and insert the screws