Wood – Hang 3 flat-screen monitors from a tilted wooden beam


I have an attic with a part where the floor was removed to bring light to the living room. I'd like to have my desk adjacent to that emptyness, but there's no space on the desk to place screens so I'd like to have them hanging above the emptyness.

Now it's pretty easy to find a desktop mount for 3 monitors that is attached to the desk (such as the Duronic DM553 Spring Triple), but I haven't found anything that would let me hang screens from the ceiling.

Furthermore, the mount should be screwed into the tilted wooden beam already present since the ceiling isn't plan, it is tilted ~30°.

My google-fu has failed me, any ideas?

EDIT: picture of the beamenter image description here

Best Answer

Is mounting a triangle shaped hardwood block to reduce or eliminate the 30 degree angle out of the question? I would lag-bolt it to the beam and then mount the ceiling mount to that in the usual manner.

There are plenty of long extension monitor/TV ceiling mounts available which with the appropriate length, put the monitors at eye-level, but as you've found, 20 degrees is as much as the ceiling end will compensate for.

Also, several of the multi-monitor mounts use a chrome tube and the brackets are movable up and down the tube by a thumb screw arrangement. Nothing prevents you from changing the chrome tube out for your own custom length one that would extend from a drilled hole in the beam down to a floor or desk mounting block.

Having it supported on both ends also means you're not sporting a really expensive pendulum that bounces around in air currents or from the garbage truck rolling down the street.