Wood – How smooth should I expect final finish to be on an new hardwood floor install


I had an existing hardwood floor in one part of the first floor connected to new wood in the rest of the first floor. The contractor has done a great job of splicing in so there is no gap. What I'm wondering is how smooth should I expect the final finish to be? After three finish coats, there are still some bumps in the finish. It is all over, not just these three images enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

Best Answer

There are standards for the installation of hardwood floors. The national association that is commonly used is the MFMA


While their name has “maple” in it, it is also qualified to examine and review other species, such as birch, oak, etc.

I’ve given you a link that shows many members, but I’d scroll to the bottom for MFMA’s main home office in Illinois. I’d start there. They can refer you to a reputable investigator. You’ll probably have to pay to get someone to review the work and prepare a written evaluation.

It looks bad enough to me to require it be re-sanded, re-stained and re-sealed.