Wood – How to arrange artificial logs, and should they become sooty


There is a chimney powered by natural gas:

chimney image

I'm using fake woodchops which are made of some sort of cooked clay. I have two problems:

  • I don't know what is the proper way to arrange fake woodchops on top of fire. Is there a proper way of structuring them on fire?
  • Fake woodchops got black color on them after just a few hours of being used. Is something wrong with chimney? I noticed chimney is affecting things around it like wall and glass by turning their color to black. Might chimney be too smokey? Is there a solution for that?

Best Answer

Real wood goes black as well - products of combustion commonly called soot.

If the device is set properly then there will be some, but if there seems to be a lot then get the device checked.