Wood – How to enlarge a doorknob bore with common tools


Okay, so I need to replace an old door knob for my mom.

I guess she had tried to do it and wound up losing all packaging and the installation instructions, so I have no template for how much larger the hole needs to be.

I have a drill attachment set and a cordless drill, but that's all (see pics). I've read about a bunch of fancy tools that are made specifically to do what I need done, but I can't afford to buy anything.

As for a template, I used fingernail polish on the part of the new knob that doesn't fit into the existing hole. I couldn't think of another way to get a somewhat accurate outline of the hole.

Also, I can't take the door off of the frame, it has to stay on the hinges.

I'm usually pretty good about figuring this sort of thing out, but I'm stumped. I can technically install the knob & it'll lock & work okay, but it ends up scraping against the wood and it comes loose very quickly.

About the only thing I can come up with is using the sander bits & going at it that way..

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Here's a pic of the tools I've got available and the makeshift 'template' for the size I need

Tools available
Doorknob hole in door

Best Answer

With the paddle bits or the hole saw bits that you have drill a hole in a scrap piece of wood that is the correct size for the knob you are trying to install. It would be good if this scrap was at least 3/4" thick.

If you have clamps - clamp this scrap with the hole in it over the hole in the door and use it as a guide to then drill the correct size hole in the door.

You didn't hear this from me - If you don't have clamps you might be able to just hold the guide tight and drill carefully. Maybe a helper would be good.

You could also try the sanding drums - it doesn't have to be pretty since the knob will cover things up, but they look cheap and might wear out before you get to where you need to be.

You can do it. Go for it. Persist. Don't forget your safety glasses.