Wood – How to glue glass top to a wooden base


I made a log table and now I'm trying to put a glass top as you can see in the picture.

The issue is that the glass top is not sticking to the log. I tried various things such as clear adhesive bumper pads etc from Lowes but nothing is working. The bond is not strong enough and I have two seven years old who keep bumping into the table.

Does anyone know what I should be using to glue the glass top to the top of the log.

log with glass top

Best Answer

Suction cups are used with success in this situation. Search for "glass table suction cups". The cups have a small cylindrical nub that sits in a hole you will have to drill for each cup. You should only need about four. With the suction cups, the table would be secure, would have some (minimal) give when struck, and would be easy to replace.

Suction Cups