Wood – How to make a sturdy lightweight box


I want to build a box that is lightweight, but sturdy. At my disposal I have a laser-cutter, which I want to do the cutting.

My plan is as follows, but I have never done this. I have no idea if this will work, so I'm looking for some advice.

I want to cut the box sides out of wood with a laser cutter using notched edges. However, this wood will be thin and therefore will not be able to hold much weight. To improve the weight bearing capacity of this box I propose to add a layer of honeycomb polypropylene to the base and then add another layer of wood to maintain a rigid bottom surface, thus creating a sandwich of sorts. Does anyone think this will work?

Does anyone have an alternative idea?

Best Answer

Your idea is very similar to how hollow core doors are made.

Hollow Core Door

If you feel a hollow core door is lightweight and sturdy enough for you, then I would say this approach will work for you.