Wood – How to patch this hardwood floor strip


I live in a >100 year old apartment building with a lot of temperature variation and the hardwood herringbone oak flooring is starting to show its age. What is the best way to patch this spot where two strips meet? Each strip is 2.5 inches wide and 18 inches long. The end of one strip was at some point cleanly cut in the past, and now the strip that is laid perpendicular to it has cracked. I would rather fill in the gap with a temporary solution than will get me by for a few years than do something more permanent like replacing both strips.

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By the way, that little white fleck is a grain of rice, not an insect.

Best Answer

I'd gently lift the cracked strip into its original position, then fill under and around it with a stainable, hardening wood putty. Once it's cured, stain it to match the lighter color in the wood grain. Use a permanent brown or black felt pen to simulate the dark grain.