Wood – How to protect wood and preserve its natural beauty


I've had to repair a split in our dining table and, as part of that, decided to sand it all down to refinish.

I'm not entirely sure of the species. It's a hardwood, and I'm guessing tropical. It has a slight pinkish hue to it.

It was originally stained dark and, while it looked nice, we actually really like the look of the bare, non-glossy, much lighter wood now that we've sanded it.

As such, I'd like to finish it in a way that doesn't alter the color much. Would simply be applying polyurethane be enough? Are there any oils that wouldn't alter the color much and be considered food safe that you'd recommend?

Best Answer

If you like the current look of the wood, then you should not stain it, as any stain will alter the color. 2 or 3 coats of clear polyurethane will highlight the look of the wood without altering the color.

I suggest a clear, satin finish, as glossy would make your table look shiny.

Such as: enter image description here