Wood – How to remove a burn mark on finished wood without replacing the piece entirely


Our new home has a wooden bathroom vanity with an obvious blackened burn mark on it below the mirror, perhaps from a candle burning too close for too long. What are some ways I can remove the mark? I though about sanding it down but it may look bad, any other options?

The vanity is wood lined with a tri-mirror set up in the center, the burn mark is along the bottom edge.

Best Answer

Go to a hardware store and get some good wood putty, filler or epoxy that can be molded and sanded. Now sand out the burnt part of the molding. Apply the putty in where you have sanded and have it roughly conform to the shape of your wood work. Then let it dry to the time as shown on the manufacturer directions. Now sand to match the rest of the molding. Stain or paint to match. Probably the hardest part is to match the stain, if it is stained.