Wood – How to remove dried hot glue from a closed door


Ok so in my room someone used hot glue to close off a small passage way to the attic above. I have searched all over the internet for ways to remove the glue, but none of them seem to work. So basically my question is how do i remove dried hot glue from a closed door?

Useful info:
-Both the heat gun and drier method didnt work
-Tried heating up a metal rod with a torch and using that to burn the glue, but that resulted in alot of smoke everytime the rod touch the glue, and gave me too big of a head ache to continue
-there is only about a 1/4cm between the wood

Best Answer

Carefully cut as much of the glue as possible with a utility knife. With a small pry bar, cats paw, or flat bar gently pry at the gap. If you can, cut some more glue while prying. you may also consider wedging a paint scraper,( not to be confused with a putty knife) in the gap, then hitting it with a hammer. At this point you have to weigh the risk of damage to the door opening against maybe burning down the house melting the glue.