Wood – How to securely attach a wooden plank to a wooden banister


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I need to securely attach a wooden plank to a banister. The plank is temporary so I need a method that won't do permanent damage to the banister (I do not mind plugging holes and using touch up paint if needed)

Please see attached diagram. I don't know if nails or screws are the right approach. Or if I need to drill holes and use one of those plastic tube inserts.

I need to do this because I need to attach a baby gate to the banister but the irregular shape of the banister prevents me from using any pre-made baby gates.

Best Answer

Use screws

  1. The baby gate will tear the banister up so you need something to protect it. A 2x4 is a good solution
  2. Screws come out easily and leave small holes. 2 screws total (I'd suggest 3" myself) should do the trick. Wood putty the holes and stain and/or lacquer

One tip: put something like a piece of plastic (maybe a plastic bag) between the banister and the 2x4. The lacquer finish (or paint) might get damaged by being sucked up to the 2x4