Wood – How to select a good Triangle (Speed square?)


My father is now retired and has returned to his hobby of being a woodworker. He's been helping me build a standing desk for my office and happened to mention while we was working that he wished he had a better triangle.

I would like to buy one for him as a thank you for helping me build the desk, but I don't know what makes a good or bad triangle. He currently has a very solid metal 6" triangle. The only complaint against that one that he has is that is has a little nook as soon as one of the straight edges starts labeled "pivot point" that he says messes up the markings when he's doing small precise work.

How can I select a good triangle, or what makes one good? It's primary purpose will be to get straight edges or angles for woodworking.

Edit: I just found out that these are called speed squares.

Best Answer

For marking right angles, a try square is a good choice.

enter image description here

You might also want to consider a Japanese style square.

enter image description here