Wood – How to silence or muffle creaky floorboards


My house was built in 1920 and we live in Western NY. The floorboards on the stairs and the whole second story of the house creak very loudly with every step we take. It's not only annoying, but it's waking our 8mo daughter at night and during her naps. We can't afford to carpet the floors, nor can we afford to replace the floorboards completely. This might be a total lost cause until we move to a new house, but I want to know if anyone has ANY suggestions for helping quiet my noisy house. Please and thank you!

Best Answer

There are a number of products marketed for this purpose which basically drive headless screws through the floor to fix the boards in place so they can't move. Haven't tried them, but reportedly they work.

The other solution is to learn to ignore the creak. It's amazing what sounds we can learn to filter out once we accept that they're just part of the environment -- traffic noise in the city, screaming hordes of crickets in the country, my grandfather clock, ...