Wood – How to use to transition from tiles to hard wood floor


There's currently some kind of solid filling between the tiles in my kitchen and the hard wood in my living room. During the summer when it gets hot and humid, the hard wood expand and cracks the solid filling. After a couple of years, there's not much left of the filling. Here's how it looks:

Wood to tile

That filling is also used to connect hard floor from living room to my bedroom:

Wood to wood

What should I use to re-fill those gaps so that when summer come, the filling doesn't crack and break? I'm fairly new to DIY, so links to the mats and tools needed are much appreciated.

Best Answer

If you don't want to use a transition, you could consider using a sanded caulk on the wood to tile spot; that will have some give in it. I used that between ceramic tile and wood, and it worked well.

If that still has too much movement, a silicone should work, but it likely won't look as nice.