Wood – Improving piece of furniture


I have a piece of furniture that is in need of some improvements.
This is the piece:

General view

As you may already see, there are a lot of light marks in it.
If we look closer to the surface, this is how it looks like in some areas:


And like this:


I'm not sure what kind of wood this is.
I was trying to avoid sanding it because I like the current color and lighter finishing in the edges and I don't think I will be able to make it look as is.

Is there any way to minimize the marks? Some polisher that can be applied?

I don't know much about this kind of stuff and don't want to end up ruining the piece.

Best Answer

You need to figure out what the finish is before you do anything. I suspect it is some kind of solid stain or paint with a polyurethane clear coat, but it could be epoxy or any other number of combinations. The type of wood doesn't matter much in your case.

Here's one resource to help with your analysis. Keep googling. And check the back and bottom for manufacturer and brand information.

I do very little with my furniture besides cleaning. They wear their dings with honor. The first one looks bad, but get enough of them and it's a "patina", "texture", or "interest". Although they don't have the solid finish yours does.