Wood – Insects on Hem-Fir/SPF lumber


What are these insects and should I be concerned? They're about 1/8" in length and don't look like termites or pine beetles. I don't see any insect-related damage to the wood but they seem to have a strong affinity for the wood (they're no where else to be seen).

The boards are kiln dried SPF and hem-fir which have been sitting outside for about 6 weeks now under a tarp and the bugs only appeared within the last week.

enter image description here

Best Answer

They are springtails.

There's a picture of one looking happy at It Takes Two to Tango… or Does It? The Curious Courtship of Collembola (Springtails).

Insect Identification Key Order Collembola: the springtails and snowfleas has another picture, labelling the little creature as a globular springtail.

The Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species has this to say about the diet of springtails:

Although many species are herbivorous, others are carnivorous feeding on other springtails, nematodes and other small arthropods. Those springtails living in leaf litter and soil usually feed on fungi, plant material, feces and algae.

So there is no need to be concerned.