Wood – Is it safe to be in insulated attic


Is it safe for me to be in an attic with this type of insulation without a mask?
I have found myself coughing whilst laying floor boards and I’m not sure whether that is general dust or something to worry about?
Thanks in advanced…

Best Answer

Generally, it's safe to be in an attic with fiberglass insulation without a mask. Is it a good idea? No. It can get into your lungs and cause the coughing you're experiencing and can also irritate your throat. the coughing you're experiencing is probably a combination of the fiberglass and the dust that settles from the venting of the attic. Do yourself a favor and wear a mask.

@Chris Rodgers mentions about how much stuff adheres to a mask after just a short while and that reminded me of a photo I took last year after being in my attic for about an hour installing a whole house fan.

enter image description here