Wood – Is it safe to cut throught a 70mm spruce beam with a Metabo jigsaw


I have this jigsaw: Metabo Ste 90 SCS (610 watts).

So far, I'm using it to cut 1cm to 2cm thick wood, and it's a great tool.

I know that the right tool to cut this beam would probably be a miter saw, but I don't plan to buy one for just a few cuts.

I am not looking for the accuracy of cuts for this job.

I have seen that there are 10 cm blades, but I'm wondering if this is safe to put long blades on a powerful jigsaw, to cut thick – and possibly wet – wood. Some beams are so wet that their weight is almost twice the weight of dry ones.

So here what I fear could happen:

  • violent kickback at some random point
  • blade breaking inside the beam
  • burning or damaging the motor,

Best Answer

Yes, the problems you mention are possible if you try to advance the jigsaw too aggressively and even with thinner materials. Just don't advance it too fast and especially don't force on the jigsaw and it'll be fine although rather slow.

The other side is that those 10cm blades are rather expensive and you might be much better off just using a handsaw for the few cuts you need.