Wood – Is it safe to use pressure-treated wood for a workbench in the shed


I have some leftover PT wood from building a platform for my shed. I'd like to use it to build a frame for a worktable that I can place inside that shed.

It will stay dry in the shed, but the shed has poor ventilation (it's basically a gigantic Rubbermaid container) and can get quite hot in the summer sun.

I plan to build the top of the table with some leftover resin/sawdust planking, so I am not worried about direct contact with the PT wood. Should I be concerned about outgassing of noxious fumes in my stuffy shed?

Best Answer

Offgassing has never really been a concern with treated lumber. Direct skin contact and ingestion were concerns with CCA treatment, and to a lesser degree with the products that have replaced it.

As long as you're not spending a lot of time in contact with wet wood, and as long as your pets and family members aren't gnawing on it, I wouldn't be concerned.