Wood – joining two 190x35mm to make one 190x70mm


Intended use – rafter.
Would be two joined boards be as strong as one of a larger size?
Minimum requirement is 140x45mm, maximum 190x70mm. I have timber 190x35mm. If I use two boards side by side, giving me 190x70mm, is this combination as strong as a single board 190x70mm or at least as one 140×45?

What are good ways to join such boards? Glue, nails, bolts, straps? Is there a technical term for this? I had difficulty searching for information, as most material found is for joining on a wrong side, ex making longer or wider boards, while I want thicker.

Size in mm is the actual size of dry finished timber.

Best Answer

good you're joining the wide sides togher to make a wider rafter, not joining the thin sides to make a taller one. joined they will be about as strong as the wider one. possibly even stronger, because the laminated beam will not have any flaws like knots that pass through the whole thickness.

"nail lamination" is a thing, it should be covered in your framing manual, but you can use screws or bolts if you really want to.
