Wood – Marbles in marble dispenser get stuck trying to fit through hole


I've been working on a marble dispenser for the little ones. The box in the center is meant to be pushed. When pushed, it aligns three slots and allows the marbles to drop. (See figures). The problem that I'm having is the marbles aren't even making it through the first slot–if two or more try to enter at once, there's not enough room and they get stuck.

I tried using a funnel to feed marbles into the hole, but they still get stuck. Any ideas on how to prevent that?

Marble dispenser in closed position

Button in closed position

Button in open position

Best Answer

It occurred to me that this problem has already been solved... Gumball machines and/or coin-op toy dispensers at the grocery store are capable of selecting just one of something. A quick search reveals a solution like this:

enter image description here

Seem to me you may be able to adapt your design to work something like that. Even if not, I'd look at gumball machine designs...