Wood – Matte finish for a pine desk


I recently bought a pine tabletop from Ikea, unfinished but for a very thin layer of their BEHANDLA oil (which I think is just boiled linseed oil). It's going to be used as an office desk.

I bought a bottle of BLO and applied a thin coat over the underside of the desk – very pleased with how it looks. I'll probably apply another coat tonight and then flip it and do the top tomorrow.

However, I am reading of a few downsides to using BLO – lack of physical protection, drying out every few months, possible staining of items even after curing (?) being a few.

So I'm looking for a matte finish that I can apply over the BLO once it dries (maybe this weekend?) that will mitigate these downsides, provide better protection and longevity to the BLO but maintain the nice matte look and the colour of the BLO (without being too much of a burden to apply).

What are my options?

Best Answer

@Ant P Oil based poly will work perfectly over BLO, no worries at all. From your description I'd get a satin finish poly, and probably apply it with a foam mini roller.