Wood – New Hardwood Floors Chipping


I just bought a newly built house in Maryland and have been living in it for about three months. Most of the house has hardwood flooring that for the most part looks really good. However, I've found some spots here and there throughout the house that are starting the chip.

What are my least invasive options for fixing this problem? I say least invasive because I do not want to tear up the whole peg board and replace it. I'm thinking that I could put down some wood glue and try to stain that small piece or something; If that's the solution can anyone recommend the materials I need to do that or brands of glue, etc. Or is that a bad idea? I don't want my repair job to be noticeable.

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Best Answer

I'd agree with Ed Beal, start a warranty claim in case you start finding it all over. Otherwise yes, if you can lift the feather/chip & work some glue in there that would be great. Immediately wipe up any glue that squeezes out when pressure is applied.

Make sure you put a piece of Saran wrap over it to then clamp it down with something heavy. The Saran wrap ensures you won't glue your heavy item to the floor.

Assuming that works & it seems nice & solid, then you'll need to put at least 3 coats of clear polyurethane over it to avoid Foot, Mop or Swiffer injuries in the future.