Wood – Non-sanding solution to get old pen markings out of wood


My wife and I have a toddler who is ready to graduate to a big boy bed, and her parent's handed us down a twin bed that they've had in storage for years (woo hoo).

The problem with it is that someone drew all over a section of it with pen (probably a Bic pen, or similar):

enter image description here

My wife says this stain has to go, and wants me to sand the entire bed so that, when re-finished, it all looks the same color/etc. Not my ideal weekend: I envision the sanding being a 10 – 12 hours job, minimum.

If it helps with a solution, this wood is maple.

Before I lose an entire weekend to sanding a 20-yr old bed, I have to ask: is there any solution under the sun (besides buying a new bed) to getting rid of this pen stain, that (ideally) doesn't involve any sanding, but at the very least only requires me to sand this one area? Requirements:

  • Minimum amount of work for me
  • Entire bed frame looks contiguous/the same (no eye sore patch where the stain used to be)
  • Safe/eco-friendly/non-toxic solution (my 2 year old son is sleeping on this thing and could be gnawing on the wooden frame for all I know)

Thanks for any ideas/solutions!

Best Answer

unlikely, since ball-point pen will also have dented the surface so the pen mark is lower that the rest of the wood stain. Paint-thinner will dissolve some pen-inks, but of course it'll also remove the finish on the wood.

how about a covering? Pick some interesting fabric, a think layer of batting, and upholster it??