Wood – Plugging holes in Top Plate wood


So I was running Ethernet around the house, and there were a couple of places where the top plate holes were incorrect and I had to redrill (holes no bigger than a 3/4 an inch). I got everything drilled right and ran….however what should I plug the other couple of holes with? (Just to get them filled). I doubt it did much structural damage (since it's just a single hole), but I still feel like I should "fill" them with something?

Is there some sort of wood filler? Or something? I know I should use fire-retardant foam where the ethernet cables come through…but right now just concerned with the holes that are just open.

Best Answer

Code requires fire retardant foam in new construction nowadays. If you have an older home where that was not required, you could leave it or fill it with standard caulk, if you feel you must do something.