Wood – Polyurethane on hardwood floor dilemma


We were on our third coat of water based polyurethane on my hardwood floor and ran out. I went and grabbed a can and when I started putting it on I noticed a difference. It was oil based. The area now looks completely different. It's like a 4 by 6 foot area. Should I try to sand it off? We've come so far, I would have to hire a professional at this point. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

You have a few options:

  • Don't put any more Brand B on. Go get more Brand A and finish the rest of the floor. After it has all cured, place a 5' x 7' area rug over the Brand B area.

  • Continue with Brand B over the rest of the floor. Yes, it will look different than you originally expected, but at least it will seem like it is supposed to be that way. Who knows? In time you may prefer the accidental finish.

  • Rent a floor sander and either strip off the Brand B area, or the whole floor. With the former, you could get lucky and be able to re-polyurethane the one section to match. If so, stop. But odds are you'll never get it to look seamless. So either use one of the methods above, or strip the whole floor.