Wood – Primed wood and painted with white paint but looks yellow. Why and how to fix


I have a new door that was installed a year ago. The frame is raw wood and I didn't paint it until recently. The wood is basically untreated. It hasn't been exposed to water much because it is under a shallow roof.

I primed it one time then painted it with a water based white paint the next day. As I was painting I noticed that there was a yellow tint on painted wood. (The paint is actually a year old too).

When the paint dried the yellowing was very noticeable.

Why did this happen? Was it the wood or the year old paint?

How do I rectify? I primed it again today and the yellowing is mostly gone. I can see a slight hint of it. I will probably prime another coat tomorrow.

Should I buy new white paint?

This is photo of the frame before priming and painting.

before priming and painting

This is it after painting, discovering that it is yellowish and then priming again!
I can still tell that it is on the yellow side. You can see it compared to the white door.

door after prime-paint-prime

Best Answer

I have seen primers allow wood tannins to bleed through, I use a schellac probably misspelled but standard primers being water based allows the oils in the wood to bleed through. I have used zinser and kilzs with success over wood and rooms that had smokers to stop the bleed through.