Wood – Should I ask if wall was inspected for moisture


My Mother lives in a community where the maintenance crew is supposed to maintain the grounds and outside of the condo buildings. I submitted a work order, because some of the wood panels on the outside of the condo were bent outward where they met with the deck. When I found out that the crew nailed the boards down, I asked via email if the wall underneath was inspected for moisture before the boards were nailed (since there were openings where the boards were warped). It has been two weeks, but I haven't received a response. Am I being too picky by asking that? It seems like any professional would have checked.

Best Answer

I agree, checking for the cause of the problem, including moisture in the wall, seems logical. In fact, without checking it could lead to dryrot or mold.

I think I’d email them again and ask if they found dryrot or mold and let them know that if you don’t hear back this time, you’ll take it to the HOA. No response, then I’d ask the HOA.