Wood – Small chunks from brush in paint


So I took it upon myself to paint some wood endcaps (very small, about 8 inches long) from their sealed wood color to white. I sanded down the wood, wiped with a damp cloth, then applied a coat of white paint/primer mix.

Well, painting isn't my forte and I didn't clean the brush between coats. Bad melee. I used paint thinner to try to clean the brush, as well as hot water – I thought I did a pretty good job, until I went to paint the second coat – now there's small chunks of paint in the finish.

Do I need to sand an start over again, or can this be saved?

Best Answer

Sounds like you have to redo the whole thing.

You are a brave soul for admitting what you did. I think I would have just redone it before anyone found out, especially my wife.

You might try just getting a new brush and doing your second coat. It could cover up the chunks, or you could end up with two coats to sand back off. If the latter, I would keep it silent.