Wood – Stain a half stained deck


I now own a deck where the previous owner (for some reason) stained half of it a year or two ago (they did mostly the inside). I'm lucky to have the same product that was previously used. If I stain the rest of the deck, will I end up with two very noticeable colors? If yes, is there something I can do to reduce the differences?

Note, I will clean as much as I can before doing anything.

Best Answer

You'll have to eyeball it. You'd stain the unstained & wipe off the excess where it looks pretty close...test wiping here & there. Then, let it dry & see how close or far it is from the inside portion.

If it's too far or too dark, then you can sand it out a little, but that's a crap shoot & it's better to just let it weather & sun down by itself. If it's too light you just add & immediately wipe off without waiting or waiting much at all. Adding stain to the inside portion will be very difficult to eyeball if it's not in the sun, so I wouldn't try doing anything there.