Wood – straighten a 2×4 with just a planer


I never used a planer before so forgive my newbie question.
So if I have a bunch of rough 2×4's that have inconsistent sizes and may be a bit twisted, can I use an electric/cordless planer to make them straight? Like besides being flat, to have exact width and heights? Basically have them ready for gluing them together.

Or is it impossible and really need a tool like this (which is expensive):
enter image description here


Best Answer

In short, no. If your 2x4 is twisted or bowed, all planing it would do is cut the parts off that were not straight. You'd be left with something that would be unusable.

You don't need a fancy machine to straighten it, however. All you need is some room and some weights (i.e. bricks). Set it on a level surface with weight to hold it in place and weights to correct the curve. Eventually the board will straighten. It's time intensive, however.