Wood – Water based clear protective finish coarse first coat


I have already sanded about 600 sq/ft of white oak flooring that now feels very smooth. I applied a Minmax water based clear protective satin finish on a small area, with a roll. Maybe it's because it hadn't completely dried out yet but I felt that the surface was not smooth at all when I touched it. I would therefore have 3 questions:

  1. What can I do to make the finish feel smooth?
  2. Applying the finish with a brush on such a large area is not an option. What is the best type of roll that I can use?
  3. What mechanical means can I use over a large area to make sure it's evenly and finely sanded prior to applying the second coat?

Best Answer

As implied by @keshlam in his comment, you should do some reading about finishing wood floors with waterborne finishes.

  • waterborne finishes are typically applied in several thick coats, it is especially important on woods that are prone to raised grain; the thick coats will bury the raised grain.
  • for large areas, water based varnish is most often applied with synthetic applicator pads, working quickly to maintain a wet edge. A brush is used along edges and in corners.
  • required large area sanding between coats is often accomplished using a stand-up random-orbit vibrating sander specifically designed for use on flooring. Supplemented by use of a hand-held sander along edges and corners.

You should visit a good paint shop near you, much advice can be had. Often these shops rent the equipment needed as well.

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