Wood – What are the options for framing a thicker than average piece of artwork


I have a piece of signed TV artwork that is mounted in cardboard frame aprox 1cm deep, that i want to hang on the wall. I've had a look round and most of the frames i've found aren't deep enough to fit the piece in.

What are my options for framing and hanging thick artwork?

Best Answer

1cm isn't really "deep" for artwork. You won't find a photograph frame to fit it, but pretty much any frame for a canvas will be deep enough. You should be able to find these in arts / crafts stores that have a lot of frames. Often department stores will have only photo frames, so you'll probably have to look in more specialized shops.

Otherwise, any frame shop will have a ton of frame styles they can custom size for you. This will be a more expensive option, but you can get the artwork installed in the frame you select with very little work on your part.