Wood – What are these light marks on the new (unfinished) oak counter tops


I have some solid oak counter tops that I've cut and fitted, and now I'm ready to start finishing them. Right out of the box I noticed some lighter colored, reflective blemishes around the top. They appear randomly across the tops and do not span across multiple boards when they occur.

The tops come "finished" (smooth to maybe 60 grit, with one coat of oil treatment). I plan on sanding them and finishing with 4 coats of Waterlox.

I started with a piece of scrap hoping the marks would go away with sanding, but they haven't yet. Right side is sanded 100/120/150, left side is factory. You can see the marks on the 2nd plank from the right and on the plank center frame.
Marks on oak counter top

They reflect light differently from the rest of the board. Note from this angle you can barely see them.
Difficult marks to see from this angle

Close up of the mark that has some sanding

Close up of mark after sanding.

Close up of the other mark with the finish from the factory

enter image description here

Will the Waterlox mask or exacerbate these marks? Should I keep sanding? Or should I give up and accept them? I was already strategeic with my cuts and minimized how many and how visible they will be in the kitchen.


Best Answer

Quarter sawn oak has those rays. They aren't a defect nor will they go away.

This figure was prized by early Craftsman builders.