Wood – What to do about the cracks on the wood floor


I am trying to do some repairs of the floor. As you can see on photos, there are some cracks, dents, and gouges.

I am thinking of getting wood filler for these, but I am not sure which one would be best for these types. In addition, I also need to make sure it will not stand out when done. So, I need to find a way around it to match to the rest of the floor. I was thinking of using paint, but I don't know which color and, plus, I tend to be very clumsy in these things.

Any ideas? 🙂

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Best Answer

First, this doesn't look like like solid wood flooring. At best, this is an engineering wood flooring (plywood). Mostly likely, since there are 3 boards to a plank, this is a laminate floor.

Second, the finish, in general, is in really bad shape. Any type of spot refinishing is just going to stick out, maybe as bad as the damage you are trying to cover.

Since this floor is most likely laminate, the typical means of refinishing a floor (sand and refinish) is out the question. The dark areas is primarily dirt, but using any type of harsh cleaner to get it out and then reseal is also out of the question. The cleaners will mostly destroy what is left of the finish and the wood look.

If this damage is localized, lets say the entry way, you can always use an area rug to cover. This I feel is your best option.