Wood – What’s the easiest way to fix these deck joists


Today I found some deck joists are either cracked or completely out of shape. I was wondering do I have to remove all the boards to replace these joists?

There are two joists that seem to be really bad (picture 1 and 2 is for the worst one, picture 3 is 2nd worst). There are couple other joists that are cracked like in picture 4. I can get underneath the deck easily.

Any suggestion on what will be the easiest way to get them fixed?

I am new to deck, appreciate any help!

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Best Answer

I've replace a few on decks and never had to remove all the planks because there was enough room underneath to get to the joist hangers. You should remove the screws from the planks going into a joist you want to replace. Then support the joist and remove the hanger from one end and the screws from the other hanger into the joist. Then lower and remove the joist. Take the new joist, work it into the one hanger and the install a new hanger at the other end. You might have to use new hangers at each end if the new joist in a slightly different size than the old one. Then re screw the planks into the new joist.

If you don't have the clearance under the deck to do the above, then you'll have to remove the planks to get to the joists.