Wood – When should I round over the edges leading to a miter joint


I'm going to be joining 2 1×6" pieces of wood at a simple miter joint.

enter image description here

However, I want the top edges to be rounded over. I'm planning to use my router and a round over bit to soften the edges, the only problem is I'm not sure if I should…

  • Route the pieces, cut the miter, then assemble.
  • Cut the miter, route the pieces, then assemble.
  • Cut the miter, assemble, then route the piece.

If I was only rounding over the outside edge of the piece, I'd probably route it after assembling it. Since I want to round over both top edges, I'm concerned the inside corner will not come out right if I assemble the piece before routing.

Best Answer

Route the pieces, cut the miter, then assemble. I believe that will give the best look. You could just practice all three on some scrap to see which you like.