Wood – Where to start laying hardwood floor in “T” shaped room


I'm getting ready to put down hardwood in a newly constructed room. The room is "T" shaped as such:

T-shaped room

I understand that I should start on the longest continuous wall and work across. However, in this case, if I start on "A" for example, and then fill-in between D and A, it seems likely I'll end up with a partial piece in the middle of the floor.

Should I start at D instead, and have the possibility of a partial piece all the way down the A wall? Is there some other way that I should approach this?

Thank you for your help.

Edit: Some additional info:

The room is about 22' the long dimension and 14' on the short. Planks are 3" wide. D is the top of a stairwell, and C is a closet.

Best Answer

Say you start with your piece running parallel to A. You take it from the bottom left corner all the way up to the F wall. Solid piece, all the way up.

Now you backfill to the left of the piece, working towards D. When you reach D, you will probably need to do a rip cut for the last piece to go in D.

You'll cross the room from A to B also putting in full pieces until you hit B at which point you'll probably need to do some kind of rip there as well.

Here's the only really tricky bit - where B meets the wall that links to C you'll have to do a partial rip cut. Your rip should let you fit the piece in at B but where the space to C is, you want the full piece.

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