Wooden storm window repair and painting


I have wooden storm windows circa 1943 that are still in good condition. I've had the panes re-puttied, and now need to do painting. A few of the storms have some minor wood damage as shown in the pictures below:

The wood is not rotted, just missing. Some have corners missing, (first picture) and there are some visible open joints (second picture).


  1. What is the best way to repair this sort of damage?
  2. I will prime with an oil based primer. When I paint, do I slightly overlap the paint onto the glass (a painter once said this is what I should do) or tape the glass up to the putty when painting?

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Best Answer

Since you've reglazed, there aren't many options for re-clamping the corners, so... do repairs with a two part wood filler ("bondo" in North America).

Regarding the primer, try to find out if it was latex or oil based putty (tip: if it dried fast, it was latex; if it can still be imprinted with your thumb after 3 weeks, it's oil), and match your primer to that. Your painter is correct -- you should overlap a 16th onto the glass.