Would a second layer of housewrap cause problems


The siding company is having to redo the installation of my siding. I know the wrap underneath the siding that will be removed will end up having lots of holes after the planks are removed. The installer is planning to put up HardieWrap. I originally had paid extra (5 years ago) to have them install Dow Weathermate Plus house wrap. The installer is paying for all of the materials this time.

  1. Would it cause a breathability problem to double wrap a house?

  2. How does HardieWrap compare to other products on the market?

They said they can put the new wrap over the Weather mate Plus or tear it off. I am concerned about a breathability problem if I let them install it over the top of the other wrap, but I don't have confidence in the new product because it is fairly new on the market and I cannot find much information on it comparing it to other products like DuPont Tyvek. I was just told that the company has already ordered the materials and is coming this Tues.

What is the recommendation on HardieWrap? I know their siding has a great reputation, but is their wrap adequately tested?

Best Answer

There is no problem with doing this. Housewrap is "breathable" by design so you won't trap moisture anywhere. You could build a wall with ten layers of housewrap and it would be more durable, not less.

Regardless of how many layers you have, it's critically important to make sure your windows and doors are properly flashed to the outermost layer slash the one with the most integrity. When the installers complete this work, don't let them get away without re-flashing all your windows and doors to the new layer of housewrap.