Would down-stuffed curtains stop heat loss through windows

energy efficiencyheatingwindows

My home has some very big 6 ft by 8 ft windows likely a big source of heat loss and is contributing to high heat bills. It would be too expensive to replace them with modern vinyl windows and the products themselves are of high quality, just old and made of some kind of metal, so not energy efficient.

I know a seamstress who makes custom blankets for a few hundred dollars each. They can fill with any material, cotton, goose feathers, etc. I could request they make blankets the size of the windows, but with added holes so they are supported by curtain rods. Would such a product have a big affect on stopping heat loss through the windows?

Best Answer

Absolutely. Down is a terrific insulating agent. It would work even better if you seal up the edges of the curtains along the window. A good way to do that is with either magnetic strips or velcro along the curtain seams on each side. That way you can let sun in during the day and seal rhem up at night to prevent heat loss.
I assume your windows are single pane. If you want to go a step further you can conserve even more heat by also installing plastic film insulation on your windows. Kits are available online and at most hardware stores.
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