A word to describe the state of having been the first to do something


If someone was the first to do something, which then became widespread and fashionable, and then claims that they were the first to do so, what would we say:

"Their claim to [or "of"] XXXXX"?

I thought of "primacy"?

Or "anteriority," but this seems a relative notion to me when I would like it to be in absolute.

"Paternity" is not good either, because this person would not even have had to generate the fashion, only to have been the first to do this thing

Best Answer

"Priority" would be a common word here.

Newton's claim of priority over Leibniz was disputed by continental mathematicians.

"Primacy" refers to being the most important. Paternity is about fatherhood, perhaps metaphorically. I don't recognise the word anteriority

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