Phrase Request – Correct Phrase for Not Hearing an Alarm Due to Deep Sleep


Suppose I set an alarm for 5 am in winter and you're sleeping.

Usually it is difficult for me (and maybe many others especially in India) to wake up early in the morning in winter. You want to sleep more in the warmth of blanket.

Your alarm starts ringing but you don't hear it. Note that I'm not saying for some reasons my alarm clock or alarm in phone didn't work. It actually rang but I just couldn't hear it or maybe heard it unconsciously but I was busy with sleep and dreams. I guess you got my point.

Or maybe it wasn't loud enough to wake me up from deep sleep.

So I need a word or phrase to describe it.

One phrase that comes to my mind is "missed the alarm". And I would use it following way:

I missed my alarm and got late for my office.

But I'm not sure what it actually means here. Is it correct? Or does it convey that your alarm device didn't work and it missed the alarm ring?

Best Answer

'I missed my alarm' would not convey that the device did not work. It would equally mean that you didn't hear the alarm. Just a side point, its the second part of the sentence that needs attention.

I missed my alarm and was late for work. or
I missed my alarm and got to the office late.

NOT: got late for my office.

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