Word Choice – Do or Play Sport(s)?


Which is correct in BrE? Is the meaning the same?

  1. "I never play sports."

  2. "I never play sport."

  3. "I never do sports."

  4. "I never do sport."

Best Answer

As a general rule, we use 'play' in connection with sports, but do be clear on what you mean by "sport". There is a difference between sports, which are usually 'games' characterised by competition between individuals or teams, and other forms of physical activity which can be carried out alone, perhaps for the purpose of exercise, but can also be competitive.

For example, we 'play' football, badminton, golf etc. We would not use that verb in connection with running or swimming, for example.

A person might say "I do swimming" (or other activities), especially if they do it 'seriously' or even professionally, but it would not be quite as idiomatic as "I am a swimmer". A less serious swimmer may say "I go swimming", or "I swim".

Your examples sound best with 'play', although if you switched the word 'sports' for 'exercise', the verb would be 'do'.