Wh-Questions – How to Understand the Aim of Question Tags Without Prepositions


I want to create 6 wh-questions(3 of them with where, 3 of them with who), but I have some serious confusions. In Turkish, You can easily create sentences like below, but in English, I couldn't set up the logic.

"I think" phrases in the begining of paragraphes are my thoughts about how I can create wh-questions, If they are wrong please write its right version.

(In English normally, adding prepositions end of the wh-questions is weird for native speakers.But I stuck in this situation, I'll be pleasured if you help, thank you)

  1. I think:"Where did you draw to?"(For exm. There is a black board and the man has drawn a sign on it but we couldn't see. We want to ask where the sign is.)(In Turkish:Nereye çizdin?)

  2. I think:"Where did you draw in?"(The man has drawn a picture and we want to ask where the man is in while drawing the picture (It can be a country, city) )(In Turkish:Nerede çizdin?)

  3. I think:"Where did you draw?"(We are looking at the landscape picture and asking where that place is ( it can be a country,city) )(In Turkish:Nereyi çizdin?)

  4. I think:"Who did you draw for?"(He has drawn a picture and we want to ask: You drew this picture and who for? Who wanted you to draw)(In Turkish:Kime çizdin?)

  5. I think:"Who did you draw in this picture?"(He has drawn a woman and we want to ask who the woman in picture is)(In Turkish:Kimi çizdin?)

  6. I think:"Who did you draw at?"(The man who draws pictures stays
    in different places of his friends. We want to ask which friend he stays at, while drawing)(In Turkish:Kimde çizdin?)

(And lastly,If we don't add prepositions end of the sentence, how can we know the question's meaning (I mean, If we use "where did you draw?" for all of first 3 sentences above then how can we know the aim of where question tag (to, at or him …) )

Best Answer

I'm afraid none of these is very idiomatic. We could say "Where did you draw it?" for the first three (it being the picture).

For (2) we could also say "Where were you when you drew it?"

For (3), "Where is that a picture of?" or "Where is the scene/view in the picture?"

(4) "Who did you draw it for?"

(5) Who is the person/woman/lady in the picture?"

(6) We can't say "Who at?" to mean "at whose house?". You would have to say something like "Who were you staying with when you drew that?"

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