Is it correct to say “What’re you thinking about?”


My question is in the title above. I'm asking in informal way, I mean, can I use that in my daily conversation? This problem arose from learning languages app. The app said the correct answer is

What are you thinking?

I consulted this problem to the app group, some English native speakers said it's incorrect to say what're, even though I've seen that word from an English comic (I don't care whether it's informal, since I only use that in my conversation). The second problem is the preposition about. Is it not OK to put about after think when we use it as an interrogative sentence?

Best Answer

This would be a perfectly ordinary thing for a native English speaker to say. If you asked them to write down what they had just said, they would almost certainly write, "What are you thinking about?" even if they had not clearly articulated the words "what are" in their spoken conversation; they would simply think of this as the normal way to pronounce the words "what are" at normal, informal, conversational speeds. However, an author (for example of a comic) might want to evoke their character's conversational style, or even dialect, with spellings or contractions that reflect how the character is actually speaking, so that the reader will be able to "hear" the conversation more like the author intends. So, writing "What're you doin'?" gives you, the reader, a feeling for how that character's speech would actually sound.

For years (decades, centuries?) we have been taught in school that it is grammatically incorrect to use a "dangling preposition", and that "correct" sentences should always keep prepositional phrases together, such as, "About what are you thinking?" This is certainly not the rule in ordinary conversation, and that idea is also in decline even for formal writing, but it still holds some influence in formal English, and in some contexts it's still a good idea to try to keep the preposition and its object together if the result isn't too awkward. In ordinary conversation, though, that's definitely not a rule about which we usually think... er, I mean, that's not something we usually think about.

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