Learn English – a better way of saying “I am in right way?”


I am in group conversation and I want say if I'm on the right track. If I'm going in this "direction", I will have a good results. Which can be the expression that resumes this thought?

"I am in right way?"

Note: My English level is medium, please tell me if the my phrases is good or bad (e.g. 2 on 1 to 10)

Best Answer

on the right track


1.acting or thinking in a way that is likely to result in success

Following this context, if you were on the wrong track, you would be heading toward failure.

The saying applies to any situation that ends in a:

  • Destination (walking to, driving to, following directions to)
  • Result (test/exam, sport, group effort)
  • Object/Goal (flirting, making plans, seeking employment)

In terms of usage, it is appropriate after being sidetracked:



1.cause (someone) to be distracted from an immediate or important issue

As to your level of English proficiency, I rate it a solid 4.5, which is clearly on the right track.

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