Learn English – a mother in her term of breastfeeding called in English


What is a mother in her period of breastfeeding called in English?

Based on my guess I looked for "breast-feeder" on Google and indeed I found a documentation of this word in Wiktionary but then I checked it in Cambridge dictionary and is missing there. That's why I'm afraid that there is another word for that term. (I'm not talking about the slang Wiktionary mention there: "boobfeeding" but one that I can be written for example in a presentation or a academical book etc.)

N.b. In my native dictionary I found a "wet nurse", but according to wikipedia it is "a wet nurse is a woman who breast feeds and cares for another's child.". It means that this term is not for the typical woman who breastfeeds her baby.

Best Answer

Such a mother can be called a "lactating" mother or, less clinically, a "nursing" mother.

Note NGram distribution for three terms, including yours:

enter image description here

As you can see, "breast feeder" flatlines, the arc of "lactating mother" suggests a restricted, perhaps technical usage, while "nursing mother" has been much more widely used and for much longer.